Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Sushi Magic sells itself.........NOT!

homemade sushi 05 by paco.esteban

The Sushi Magic!! I love sushi so intead of going to a restaurant and spend $30-$40 each time I thought I'd make those "3 easy payments of only $19.95" and make it at home! WRONG! I cooked the rice and rolled everything up in seaweed paper and went to cut it and it smashed like a pancake. They don't tell you that in order to cut the roll into pieces, you have to have the sharpest knife known to man and that just didn't come in the damn package. I still ate it but instead of it being rolls it was more like a log!

Where are my keys?????????

So........it looks like I have a little DIVA on my hands! On Friday, I got the princess up and got her ready to go to the sitter. Once she was dressed I went to open the garage and start the car and couldn't find my keys anywhere. I dumped my purse out on the counter and tore my bedroom apart to no avail. I went and sat her down on the couch and I asked her if she knew where mommy's keys were. She looked at me with that little grin and nodded so I asked if she would show me where they were. She, again, looked at me with the same little grin and shook her head NO! AHHHHHHH! At this point, I was already going to be late for work and she was just sitting there........she may as well have been laughing in my face. This went on for about 5 minutes or so and let me tell you, going back and forth with a 2 year old, it seemed like forever! She finally gave me this exasperated sigh and an "IF YOU MUST KNOW" look and sauntered over to the laundry basket which was right in front of her room. She stood over it with her arms crossed over her chest, now I don't know for sure but I was pretty certain that this kind of attitude didn't start until the early teenage years. At this rate, I'm totally convinced that I'm going to have my hands full! I walked up behind her and she pulled the damn key out of the pocket of a pair of HER jeans that were at the very bottom of the basket. You think she was trying to tell me something???? Oh well, amongst all the craziness, she got to the sitter and I managed to make it to work on time and now I hang my keys on a key ring!

Friday, March 6, 2009

My favorite line from 'The Wizard of Oz'

Dorothy's "There's No Place Like Home."

We have all seen this movie and we all know exactly what she's referring to. But do we really? I have recently learned that a home is what and where you make it, weather it be your place of residence or where your heart is. You should always be true yourself, when you have achieved this you will absolutely know where "home" is.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Don't say 'Ornery' around me

I really don't like this word because very few people that use it even know how to say it correctly, much less actually know what it means. If you want to use words that are out of your standard vocabulary............please use a thesaurus.

A New Day....

So I've really been thinking about this a lot lately and after some inspiration from a friend, I've finally decided to enter into the world of blogging! I was really looking into journaling or some sort of outlet to get my stupid thoughts and silly antics out of my head and onto some paper. This seems to be as good as anything so I'm gonna give it a shot.


About Me

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I am a recently separated, working mommy of a 2 year old princess. She is the most amazing gift and by far the greatest accomplishment of my entire life.